相信不少人都知道英語單詞 “dead” 最常用的意思是 “死亡的,失去生命的”,但你知道它在不同的語境、場合中還有哪些其它用法嗎?看視頻,再來學習單詞 “dead” 的四個常見含義和用法。
Hi! The word dead has so many meanings! And we're going to look at five of them.
The first one is simple – it means 'not living'.
Monkey? Monkey?? He's dead! NOOOO!
You know when you sleep on your arm? When you wake up, you can't feel anything. It's numb! It's gone dead!
I tried to catch Monkey, but my arm had gone dead.
Dead in reference to batteries means they have no power.
Hi I need to… Oh, no! The battery's dead!
In informal British English, dead can also mean 'very'.
This English in A Minute is dead interesting.
Lastly, in speaking about directions or time, dead can mean 'exactly'.
The post office is dead ahead. We should arrive dead on time.
Why should you never talk to a ghost? Because they're dead boring!
1. “Dead” 可以表達人類或其它生物 “死亡的,失去生命的”。
2. “Dead” 可以表達身體某部位 “麻木的,失去知覺的”。
I tried to catch Monkey, but my arm had gone dead.
3. “Dead” 可以表達電池 “沒電的,電量用光的”。
Oh, no! The battery's dead!
4. “Dead” 在非正式的英式英語中,可以用來加強語氣,相當于 “very(很,非常)”。
This English In A Minute is dead interesting.
5. “Dead” 在談論方向或時間的語境中,可以用來加強語氣,相當于 “exactly(精確地,正好地)”。
The post office is dead ahead.
We should arrive dead on time.