

2019-10-09 17:41




小測驗 — 表建議和推斷的情態(tài)動詞

情態(tài)動詞 “should、shouldn’t” 以及搭配 “had better” 可以用來給他人提出建議;而情態(tài)動詞搭配 “can be”、“could be” 和 “might be” 則被用來推斷一件事情的真實性和可能性。做下面的八道習(xí)題,根據(jù)提示和句意來選擇能表示建議 “advice” 或推斷 “deduction” 的情態(tài)動詞。

1. Complete the sentence so it expresses deduction.
He _______ Spanish, because he’s wearing a Spanish football top.

a) should be

b) can be

c) would be

d) might be

2. Complete the sentence so it expresses advice.
You really _______ start thinking about what job you want to do for the rest of your life.

a) should

b) will

c) could

d) would

3. Complete the sentence so it expresses deduction.
He’s not answering his phone. He _______ sleeping – it’s midnight!

a) couldn’t be

b) could be

c) mustn’t be

d) can’t be

4. Which of the following sentences expresses deduction?

a) You should take a holiday – you look like you need a break.

b) You must get up early if you want to do a good day’s work.

c) You’d better get a pension so you can save for retirement.

d) She always looks exhausted – she must have a very stressful job.

5. Complete the sentence so it expresses advice.
I think _______ take your coat and scarf – there’s a storm approaching.

a) you’d better

b) you could

c) you can

d) you’ll

6. Complete the sentence so it expresses advice.
You _______ give up on your dreams!

a) couldn’t

b) wouldn’t

c) shouldn’t

d) won’t

7. Complete the sentence so it expresses deduction.
That _______ Claudine, she’s got long hair and she’s much taller.

a) wouldn’t be

b) shouldn’t be

c) had better be

d) can’t be

8. Which of the following sentences expresses advice?

a) You’d better get some sleep, you’ve got an important interview tomorrow.

b) You must not enter the warehouse without a helmet.

c) I could help you to move to your new apartment next week.

d) The doctor will tell you what’s best for you.


1) d, 2) a, 3) b, 4) d, 5) a, 6) c, 7) d, 8) a.


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