1. I never drive. I always prefer to go ______.
a) by legs
b) on foot
c) with toes
d) off car
2. A relaxing walk can be called ______.
a) a fast pace
b) a nice march
c) a leisurely stroll
d) a friendly banter
3. Despite the blizzard I still went to college. I had to ______ through a metre of snow.
a) trudge
b) wade
c) skip
d) ramble
4. Hurry up! Why do you always have to walk at such a ______?
a) tortoise's pace
b) worm's pace
c) snail's pace
d) snake's pace
5. If you have a painful injury to your foot or leg you might walk with ______.
a) a step
b) a limp
c) a jump
d) a skip
6. The pavement is not very even here. Be careful when walking that you don’t ______.
a) trip down
b) trip over
c) trip off
d) trip around
1) b, 2) c, 3) a, 4) c, 5) b, 6) b.