

2017-12-19 14:32




Virtual fashion advice 從網(wǎng)絡(luò)上獲取穿衣打扮的小竅門



Vocabulary: fashion 詞匯: 時尚

When's it's time for a wardrobe makeover, who's the best person to give you some advice? You'll probably turn to your friend for some feedback and fashion tips – let's face it: they know you best and can offer an honest opinion about which colours clash – and which outfit makes you look a million dollars.

However for someone like me, who's not a follower of fashion and has a more practical dress sense, I don't need help - it's just jeans or… jeans! But for people who care about their appearance, they can now get some trustworthy advice with the aid of technology.

Of course, using social media is a good way to discuss fashion dilemmas with your friends, but this sometimes brings in too much conflicting advice - and opinions that are sometimes brutal! That's why one woman has developed an app to help women crowdsource advice from stylists and sister fashionistas in a safe, troll-free environment.

Sophia Matveeva's Style Counsel app allows users wanting advice on an outfit to post a photo and receive "yes" or "no" answers from other users, or more detailed advice from vetted fashion stylists and bloggers very quickly. According to Matthew Wall, BBC Technology of Business editor, this is a growing business, with several new apps such as AskAnna, Mallzee and StyleDotMe all offering young women tips on suitable and fashionable clothes to wear.

There's also a website called EyeFitU which finds clothes to fit your figure. Its chief executive, Isabelle Ohnemus, says there are no international standards in clothes sizes but she explains "We can set up your size profile in a few seconds with 80% accuracy just knowing your gender, height, weight and age". This information is used to search different retailers and find clothes that suit your actual shape. And the internet giant, Amazon, has also developed a camera that links to a 'style check' function that compares photos and gives its algorithmically-derived opinion of which outfit is better, based on fit, colour, style and current fashion trends.

But does technology make fashion advice a bit impersonal? Sophia Matveeva admits that women in particular are social creatures and that "AI will never stop us talking to each other… girls will always want the approval of the cool girl at school." But as for me: an app with someone I don't know could be the place to start with some discreet fashion tips!


tip 竅門,小建議
look a million dollars(因穿著光鮮)看起來非常漂亮
dress sense 著裝、搭配的品位
appearance 外表,外貌
dilemma 困境,窘境
stylist 造型師
fashionista 時尚達(dá)人
troll-free 沒有網(wǎng)絡(luò)暴力或惡毒言論的
figure 體形、身材
retailer 零售商
style check 時尚風(fēng)格定位(功能)
algorithmically-derived 利用算法推導(dǎo)出來的
trend 潮流,趨勢
cool girl “酷女孩”,原指學(xué)校里受人歡迎的時髦女孩,此處泛指風(fēng)格出眾,引領(lǐng)時尚的女性


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. What are the negative aspects of sharing fashion advice on social media?

2. Which people are most of these new fashion apps aimed at?

3. True or false? Clothes sizes are set to an international standard.

4. Which people mentioned in the article write and discuss fashion online?

5. What piece of equipment has Amazon developed to help you find the best clothes for you to wear?

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. The judge's feedback was so ______, she decided to never sing on stage again.

vetted       clash       brutal       troll-free

2. Once the ______ had finished working on her, she looked absolutely amazing!

stylist       stylish        style       styling

3. Frank's ______ really impressed Lilly on their first date: he wore a suit and tie to dinner!

makeover       dress sense       fashionista       figure

4. He got very offended when I told him his red trousers ______ with his yellow jumper.

clash       clashing       appearance       clashed

5. Dairy-free ice cream seems to be the ______ for a healthy treat at the moment.

tip       trend       cool girl         fashionista


1. 閱讀課文并回答問題。

1. What are the negative aspects of sharing fashion advice on social media?
Too much conflicting advice and brutal or very honest opinions.

2. Which people are most of these new fashion apps aimed at?
Most of them are aimed at fashion-conscious younger women.

3. True or false? Clothes sizes are set to an international standard.
False. According to chief executive of EyeFitU, Isabelle Ohnemus, there are no international standards in clothes sizes.

4. Which people, mentioned in the article, write and discuss fashion online?

5. What piece of equipment has Amazon developed to help you find the best clothes for you to wear?
A camera that is linked to a 'style check' function.

2. 請在不參考課文的情況下完成下列練習(xí)。選擇一個意思合適的單詞填入句子的空格處。

1. The judge's feedback was so brutal, she decided to never sing on stage again.

2. Once the stylist had finished working on her, she looked absolutely amazing!

3. Frank's dress sense really impressed Lilly on their first date; he wore a suit and tie to dinner!

4. He got very offended when I told him his red trousers clashed with his yellow jumper.

5. Dairy-free ice cream seems to be the trend for a healthy treat at the moment.


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  • 聽力
  • 口語
  • 閱讀
  • 娛樂
  • 詞匯
  • 寫作


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