1. I twisted my ankle badly, but luckily the doctor told me it was only ________ not broken so I have had it strapped up.
a) bruised
b) swollen
c) sprained
d) fractured
2. I went to the doctor and explained that my ________ included nausea, dizziness and a slightly raised temperature.
a) illnesses
b) symptoms
c) diseases
d) infirmities
3. The high pollen count during the British summer always brings on my ________.
a) flu
b) hangover
c) food poisoning
d) hay fever
4. I put cream on my face every day to reduce the pimples that are caused by my ________.
a) acne
b) measles
c) mumps
d) IBS
5. I was feeling a little unwell so I went to see my ________.
a) surgeon
b) psychiatrist
c) G.P.
d) gynaecologist
6. Which phrase means feeling slightly unwell?
a) under the weather
b) over the moon
c) up the creek
d) in the doghouse
1) c, 2) b, 3) d, 4) a, 5) c, 6) a.